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Writer's pictureGeoff Glick

Why Trust Wins in the Creative Game

Successful creative collaborations are often built on trust

With a global audience watching, confetti dances in the air, celebrating another Kansas City Chiefs victory. While their talent is undeniable, my gaze isn't drawn to their athletic feats, but to something invisible: the powerful thread of trustthat weaves this team into champions. As someone navigating the vibrant world of creative collaboration – surrounded by artists in all mediums, dreaming of designing worlds unseen and writers weaving narratives that tug at hearts – I see a reflection of my own journey.

But let's face it, the creative realm throws terms like "team building," "leadership," and "collaboration" around like confetti at a championship celebration. We blankly nod, attend mandatory workshops, implement half-hearted exercises, yet often, the magic fails to materialize. Why? Because trapped within these buzzwords lies a fundamental misunderstanding: true collaboration isn't built on forced exercises or empty slogans, but on the simple concept of trust.

Now, you might LOL and say, "Of course, everyone values trust!" Yet, let’s be real here. How many leaders truly empower their teams, allowing them to own their ideas and run with them? How many foster environments where honest feedback and healthy debate are encouraged, not feared? How many celebrate individual contributions while recognizing the power of the collective?

The answer, unfortunately, is often not enough.

I’ve witnessed it firsthand and the results are usually disappointing. It is from these disappointments and from the positive examples in my career, that I’ve built my own leadership style and guideposts.

And just this past Super Bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs offered a few powerful lessons in trust in action.

No Dictators, Just Beacons

Head Coach Andy Reid may call the play, but he can’t control what happens on the field. He trusts his quarterback Patrick Mahomes and his receivers to understand the strategy and make their own adjustments. The offensive line doesn't blindly charge forward; they rely on each other's communication and instincts to create a pocket for their quarterback. This mutually-assured trust translates into incredible plays, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Parameters to Empower, Not Confine

Providing clear goals and parameters is crucial, but remember, they're not walls, but launchpads. Offer the freedom to explore within those boundaries. Trust your team to understand the objective and find their own unique path to achieve it. Let the writer experiment with voice, the designer push the boundaries of layout, and the director of photography break the mold with his or her own style and eye. This fosters innovation and leads to solutions you might not have imagined.

I’ve often told my own teams, “If I wanted you to do it a very specific way, I would just do it myself.” Some members of your team may chafe at this freedom, while others will take the ball and run with it. It’s incumbent on you as their leader to know what each needs to excel.

Beyond Buzzwords, Real Connection

Forget the manufactured "team building" exercises. Instead, build genuine trust through conversation. Sometimes it's necessary for you to roll up your sleeves and get in the trenches alongside your team, tackling even the most seemingly mundane tasks. This helps demonstrate that no one is above any one job, but also provides opportunities for growth, especially among your most junior members. It's about fostering a safe space for open communication, where honest and constant feedback isn't seen as criticism, but as fuel for growth. Remember, trust thrives on transparency – we share in our failures as well as successes because we all learn from both situations.

From Me to We

Building trust isn't a one-way street. I believe it’s about recognizing and appreciating each member's unique contribution. Celebrate individual wins, but also highlight the moments where someone stepped up to support a teammate. Remember, a team isn't just a collection of talented individuals; it's a symphony of talent. When trust becomes the foundation, the conductor doesn't need to force the music; it flows naturally, each instrument weaving its melody into a harmonious masterpiece.

Think of your creative crew as a vibrant canvas. Each team member brings a unique brushstroke – the writer's lyrical flourish, the designer's bold composition, the artist's expressive palette. But it's only through trust that these individual strokes coalesce into a breathtaking masterpiece. Imagine the designer stepping into the spotlight to deliver a client presentation, or the writer finding the perfect comedic turn in a script. In a culture of trust, everyone flourishes, and the collective impact transcends individual limitations.

Competition as a Ladder, Not a Wall

Let me be clear, fostering trust doesn't negate the healthy drive of competition. In fact, a culture of trust fuels a positive, growth-oriented competitive spirit. When team members trust each other's skills and intentions, competition becomes a ladder, not a wall. They push each other to new heights, knowing that everyone's success ultimately contributes to the collective triumph. But remember, ladders are meant to be climbed. In our team, we understand that growth often means transitions. If a trusted team member is ready to take the next step, even if it means moving on to another team or pursuing a different career path, we celebrate their journey and cheer them on. Their success becomes a testament to the supportive environment we've built, and their absence creates space for new talent to climb the ladder, carrying the torch of trust and excellence forward. There is no greater compliment than others seeing the talents of your team.

Beyond the Studio Walls

The lessons from the Chiefs and the symphony extend beyond the creative studio. Trust is the invisible thread that binds communities, fuels innovation, and drives progress.

Ditch the buzzwords, build genuine connections, and watch your team paint masterpieces the world has never seen before. The confetti might not rain down after every project, but the impact of your trust-infused collaboration will resonate far beyond the walls of your studio, leaving a lasting impression on clients and colleagues alike.

Geoff Glick is the founder and executive producer of Peaceful Luck Media. He is an award-winning storyteller with deep roots in both the editorial and brand space. His expertise lies in content strategy and creation, and building & leading creative teams.

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